Glazing Protection Window Film Safer Tampa Schools

Protecting our children has become a critical requirement thanks to several unfortunate and tragic events.

Advanced Film Solutions, Tampa’s premier window film installation company as performed thousands of installations but none more important than the strengthening of windows at local schools, daycare centers and child care facilities.

Our team installs thicker 8 ML clear and solar security films manufactured by the leading manufacturers in the world.

LLumar, Vista Films by Eastman as well as Madico and Armorcoat coatings. The Israeli made Hanita films are designed to withstand maximum impact from intrusion or explosions.

We use the same expertise as demonstrated when we completed Sarasota International Airport earlier this year.

We highly recommend the optional wet glazing system that creates a system between the glass, film and frames.

This additional safety mechanism ensures the integrity of the glass being held in the frames during a forced entry.

You might also consider selections that lower energy usage and provide privacy along with the life safety benefits of the clear versions.

For a free estimate contact Advanced Film Solutions

Toll Free: 877-575-3456
