Florida Window Film Commercial Project Management

Many commercial buildings in Florida have had window film installed for decades or more.

These films did what they were supposed to do (one would hope!) back in the 1980’s or earlier.

Now it is abundantly clear that these coatings have degraded over time.

If you have management responsibility for a facility that has failed and damaged window film you should be aware of the newest technology available to you.

Advanced Film Solutions has developed the best team of window film installers and window film solutions in the State of Florida.

  • Reduce heat gain

  • Lower cooling costs

  • Provide Privacy

  • Improve security

  • Improve curb appeal of building.

  • Eliminate hot spots.

Leading solutions like Eastman Chemical reflective and dual reflective coatings as well as ceramic coatings that provide superior heat rejection without altering the appearance of your glass.

No matter the size of your project we can remove the old damaged window film and transform your glass into energy efficient systems that will lower glare, filter out UV and bring clarity back to your windows and doors.

Removing old film is just one capability that our experts can easily tackle.

Security window film is also an option particularly if you experience the potential of smash and grab burglary or are concerned about threats of any type.

These thicker solar security safety films hold the glass in place while providing the sun control benefits discussed.

Call for a free estimate toll free at 877-575-3456

Advanced Film Solutions 


Tampa Bay Window Tinting Consumer Awareness Begins Now

Most consumers have a limited amount of information concerning window film.

Checking online can eliminate some obvious issues since everyone claims to have the best solutions, etc.

Fortunately consumers can get detailed performance characteristics thanks to the NFRC which is a quasi-governmental agency that is the repository for factual, lab tested specifications for leading window film brands.

The NFRC (Click here) was developed to demonstrate accuracy in light of the anticipated energy savings that would eventually lead to Energy Star ratings.

While the intention of window film manufacturers to comply with the strict testing data imposed is admirable, an unintended virtue of the NFRC is to dispel numerous exaggerations frequently espoused during competitive sales calls and demonstrations.

Advanced Film Solutions is  Florida’s leading commercial and residential window film installation companies.

We remain steadfast in highlighting factual performance expectations and real-world film comparisons.

Here are a few examples:

IR Hype

3M Window Film dealers are known to confuse heat rejection results with Infrared filtering statistics.

For example they may claim that their Prestige Film series stops 97% of the heat from entering your windows no matter how light the film may be.

In the case of Prestige 70 the actual NFRC rating for total solar energy is 50%.

Frankly 50% heat rejection is fairly good for such a light film transmission; so where is the disconnect?

IR heat blocking films like Prestige and Huper Optik do filter out a large percentage of the IR wavelengths but IR wavelengths only effect 50% of total solar energy (Heat)

The remaining portion of heat is a factor of visible light being filtered.

If 70% of the visible light is being transmitted than a large proportion of heat is not being rejected.

On Angle Hype

To further obfuscate the NFRC rated performance a 3M agent may insist that their film performs better at an angle. They may imply that this improved heat rejection is unique to their film.

Here again this is complete nonsense.

All window films and glass itself performs exactly the same way. There is no advantage whatsoever.

Heat Lamp Trick:

If a 3M dealer wants to demonstrate an illusion of heat rejection they may employ a heat lamp that blasts large amounts of IR wavelength. They may compare a coated piece of glass and compare that to a clear glass pane or a darker coating that does not filter IR wavelengths. This gimmick gives the illusion that a lighter film like Prestige 70 can block more heat than a darker silver type film.

The facts are that a darker silver film will block 80% of the total solar energy versus the 50% stated above. The visible light is reflected in the case of reflective films.

The trick is compelling but nevertheless it remains a trick.

Advanced Film Solutions represents Eastman Chemical and their portfolio of Vista, LLumar, Huper Optik coatings.

We can also do the David Copperfield illusion or make unqualified statements about angles and IR heat rejection but we choose not to do so.

We prefer facts.

Documented performance and results.

  • Advanced Film Solutions has earned the Super Service Award from Angie’s List for 9 years the only Florida company that can match that!

  • We are rated A Plus for 12 straight years by the Better Business Bureau.
  • We offer multiple solutions to match our clients requirements.
  • We warranty all of our installations.

Call toll free: 877-575-3456 for a free estimate.

Preserve Your View, Lose The Heat. Advanced Film Solutions Window Tinting

Homeowners doing online research will discover that there are solar control coatings that block heat while maintaining the appearance of your windows and sliders.

These non-reflective films meet deed restrictions and Home Owner Association rules that prohibit reflective films.

The challenge for window film manufacturers was to develop a coating that filters out large quantities of heat while keeping the amount of light transmission high.

Reflective films certainly filter out heat, light UV and glare but again they create challenges for the deed restrictions and do alter the appearance of the glass.

Non reflective dyed films are one alternative but the solar absorption is generally too high for IG glass units and the dyes wear down very quickly under the relentless Florida sunshine.

The solution was the patented dual layer ceramic films developed by Huper Optik.

Huper Optik ceramic and spectrally selective films filter out IR wavelengths (invisible light spectrum) and an assortment of light transmissions depending upon the film selected.

It’s important to note that there are no dyes in the Huper series while our 3M competition offers multi-layered Prestige film with dyes.

Huper Optik is available in darker light transmissions that offer greater glare and fade protection while the lighter 35% to 70% light transmissions block nearly 70% of the total solar energy.

The bottom line is maximum heat rejection with a better light ratio than any competitive coating.

Since these coatings are less reflective than glass your HOA will quickly approve.

Daytime views and night views are preserved.

Advanced Film Solutions

Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota


God Help Those Who Tint Themselves. Tampa Window Film

Many of our best clients were enterprising folks who decided to do their own window tinting for their home or automobile.

They quickly realized that this was a Big Mistake!

Advanced Film Solutions is Tampa Bay, Orlando and Sarasota’s premier professional installation company for solar and solar safety window film.

Our team of technicians have more than 60 years experience and two of our best installers made the finals for the flat glass Tint-Off that determines the world’s best installers.

So obviously we have a vested interest in providing our clients the very best window film installations and given our experience we are experts at what can go wrong with a window film installation!

We can tell more than our fair share of stories about how badly the do it yourself-ers did when they tried their hand at tinting themselves.

  • Lines and creases, bubbles and huge gaps to name just a few of the problems that novices have when doing their first tint job.
  • Cuts from sharp razors, scratched glass and cheap tint that quickly turns purple.
  • It may look easy but experience is worth its weight in gold, and when you do something thousands of times you become an expert.
  • Choices are critically important. There are many types of glass and your home may have dual pane insulated glass that limits the type of coatings recommended. French panes can be barely impossible to get right!
  • Some DIY films are silver mirror like in appearance and can violate your deed restrictions!

That’s why we highly recommend that you call Advanced Film Solutions, toll free at 877-575-3456

You’ll save yourself a ton of frustration; achieve the results you deserve and have a lifetime warranty with more choices than you’ll ever find at a Lowes or Home Depot!

Advanced Film Solutions

Experts Doing Superb Window Film Installations
